The ever popular fund raiser, Last Man Standing, returns for another year with the commencement of the national league on Jan 25th.
1. It’s simple - just pick the winner of one national league game each round of fixtures. If your selection wins then you progress to the next week, lose or draw and you’re out.
2. Pay your €10 entry fee before Week 1 — no need to pay again.
3. You cannot pick the same team twice so study your picks carefully and be tactical !
4. The winner will be the ‘Last Man Standing‘… the person who has correctly picked a winning team every week and is the only person left in the competition
5. A cash prize of €500 will be awarded to the winner.
6. Updates will be published weekly on our Facebook page
Cards are available from any of the senior panel - you can also play by sending a WhatsApp message with your selections to : Pat on 086 3801898 or e-mailing your entry to - ; payments can be made to Pat's Revolut account on the above number ( pat2quw1)